Does this sound like you?
✔ Growth or profits are lagging
✔ Cash is tight and unpredictable
✔ Books are too messy for decision-making
✔ Inventory is stocked out or overstocked
✔ Your ERP is a Ferrari, but drives like a Corolla

- Budget Forecasts
- Cash Flow Projections
- Managing Accountants
- Debt Structuring
- Inventory Valuation and COGS Cleanup

- Real People, No Outsourcing
- Done Right and On Time
- Accrual and Cash

- Inventory Forecasting
- Pricing and margins strategy
- PO Tracking
- KPI Reporting
- Enrollment Predictions

- Growing Wholesale Accounts
- Digital Ad Tracking
- Targeted Advertising
- Instagram Influencer Identification

- ERP Migrations
- Cloud Storage
- ETL Pipelines
- Data Cleanup
- Shopify, FB Ads, Google Ads Reporting

Steve Bazant
Managing Partner

Thomas M. Paper
Founding Partner