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Cash is King
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Cash flow models are essential for maintaining financial stability and answering questions about inventory, debt, equity, and more. Webster Pacific helps small and medium-sized businesses study the historical movement of cash through their business and make projections into the future.

See below a 3-minute video of Steve explaining a use case for a seasonal retailer.

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Client Spotlight: Lycée Français de New York
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The Lycée Français de New York offers a bilingual French and American education of the highest standard with a mission to prepare students of many origins to be thinkers, innovators, and leaders, at home in the world.

The Lycée has been a Webster Pacific client since 2022, engaging with Webster Pacific on a variety of strategic planning exercises including evaluations of enrollment, tuition, curriculum, and data systems.

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Schools and airplanes?
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We have found that schools are like airplanes. Generally speaking, schools are financially sustainable when they are filled to capacity, but not sustainable when they are under capacity. Watch us explain two use cases about enrollment management in a 4-minute video here.

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SIN, a Webster Pacific (WP) client since 2022, is a Brooklyn-based business that transforms clay into exclusive designs and decorative items.

Before engaging with WP, SIN made the majority of their products to order. While this allowed the business to save space on inventory, it lowered potential sales volumes for periods of predictably high sales, such as Black Friday. To maximize sales in Q4 2022, WP helped SIN project sales and necessary inventory. See example below.

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Billionaires and GDP by country
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Inspired by Gapminder, the famous Hans Rosling visualization about life expectancy and income, we decided to make an interactive visual that shows how billionaires and GDP by country have changed over time. You can interact with the data below and watch Tom explain it here with a 2-minute video.

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Avenues The World School is a global school with students across six continents and a mission to redefine schooling for a fast-changing world.

Avenues has been a Webster Pacific client since 2014, and over the past eight years, Webster Pacific has helped Avenues with a variety of projects, including market selection, neighborhood selection, advertising planning, and many others.

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Billionaire Map 2022
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The 2022 Forbes Billionaires List was published recently and, as we did last year, we’ve mapped the information, with a focus on billionaires in the US and the change between 2021 and 2022. You can interact with the data below and view a 3-minute video of Tom explaining the data here.

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Endeavor Schools is a growing family of over 70 private schools in 13 states across the United States and has been a Webster Pacific client since 2020.

Over the past two years, Endeavor has pushed for a data-driven strategy for understanding their current families in order to expand. WP has helped Endeavor identify spatial metrics for successful schools, plan for expansion, analyze competitors with mobile data, and manage COVID.

See redacted map below showcasing the geospatial growth of nursery students in Atlanta.

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Geographic Expansion 2×2 Matrix
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Like Warren Buffett wouldn’t invest in just one stock, we wouldn’t tell our retail clients to invest in just one city. In fact, we believe that geographic diversification is critical to success and that geospatial investments should be considered through the lens of the 2×2 matrix, shown below.

Quadrant 1: Areas where your competitors are dominant and you (our client) is not. Invest high as these are markets of high potential.
Quadrant 2: Areas where both you and your competitors are strong. Invest high, as these are markets where you need to maintain position.
Quadrant 3: Areas where you are strong compared to your competitors. Invest moderate as these are client-dominated markets even though opportunity is not as large as those in quadrants 1 and 2.
Quadrant 4: Areas where you and your competitors are weak, which indicates most likely that these are small markets. Invest low, unless your strategy is specifically focused on winning small markets.

You can interact with the dashboard below:

In the example above, we would say the WP client should be investing heavily in Houston, Miami, Washington DC, and Dallas (Quadrant 1), where their competitors are very strong and they are not. They should also invest heavily in Chicago, LA, and NY (Quadrant 2), where they need to maintain their strong position, relative to their competitors. Moderate investment should be made in Quadrant 3 (Pittsburgh and others), where the client clearly outpaces their competitors, purely to maintain their position.

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Portfolio School, a Webster Pacific (WP) client since 2021, is an independent school based in the heart of NYC offering top tier education for students in grades K-6 using a project-based learning approach.

Over the past year WP has helped Portfolio School with expansion planning, evaluating neighborhoods down to a street-by-street basis. Portfolio has been heavily involved in building the data-driven strategy, which includes: demographics, income, competitors, transit networks, and proximity to urban green space.

The images below represent two datasets used in WP’s analysis.

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